Report: Historical Source Edition 2.0 conference

This blogpost was originally posted on the official DiXiT blog. Earlier this month, I traveled to Warsaw to attend the Historical Source Edition 2.0 conference (6-7 October) organised by Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History; the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center; and the University of Saskatchewan. On paper it was again a small step outside of…

ER1 – Reminiscing on a Year of DiXiT

This blogpost was originally posted on the official DiXiT blog. So apparently it’s October 2017 already. DiXiT has officially ended a month ago, and it’s been six since the end of my fellowship. How did this happen? Is DiXiT really over? Thankfully, re-reading my co-fellows’ final DiXiT blogposts (by Tuomo, Frederike, Misha, Roman, Elena, Linda, and Merisa) seems to…

Back in Belgium and on the Bike

So since about two weeks, I’m back in Belgium! The DiXiT postdoc in Sweden has run its course, and now I’m working at the University of Antwerp again. More on that soon – but the long and short of it is that I’ve moved back home, and was very happy to return to Annelies (and our…

Validation schema v9.0 now online

Today, we uploaded a new version of the BDMP‘s custom TEI schema to the website (both in ODD and compact RelaxNG formats). The new schemata carry the version number 9.0. The changes are minor, and XML files that were validated against v8.0 should validate correctly agains v9.0 as well. The vocabulary has been expanded a little to…

Post-Boat Odyssey from Gothenburg (industrial harbor) to Borås

This is an edited translation into English of a letter I wrote to my father while I was trying to get from Gothenburg to Borås, after docking in Gothenburg’s industrial harbour. Some events may have been exaggerated a little. Hi dad! […06:45…] We’ve just docked in Gothenburg! Taking the boat was quite an experience! It…

CfP: DHBenelux 2017

via Frans Wiering The fourth DHBenelux Conference will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 July 2017. The conference will be hosted by Utrecht University and is open to everyone, including researchers from outside the Benelux. The DHBenelux conference is an initiative that aims to disseminate digital humanities projects in…

The Boat from Ghent to Gothenburg

As I already indicated in my previous post — which already dates back a couple of months, sorry for that! — a busy schedule has delayed this post quite a lot. But it’s finally here. I hope you’ll enjoy! At the end of April, I went back home to Belgium, to get the last of…


I thought I’d post a small update on what’s been happening, and what’s in store. Guest blogs It may seem like I haven’t been blogging a lot lately, but that’s not exactly true. I just haven’t been doing all of it here, on Bytes & Bikes. I’ve written two guest blogs on other websites, that you’re more…

The Start of the DiXiT Postdoc

Or: Wout går till Sverige Two days ago, I packed my bags, boarded a plane, and set off to Sweden. To Gothenburg Landvetter, to be exact — departing in Deurne instead of Zaventem due to the tragic events that took place in Brussels only last week. Still, we try to move on, and as it was such a beautiful day,…